The images collected by the UAV allow to carry on scientific research in many fields which have connections with the territory. The evolution of management activities of sites with high environmental, historical and cultural impact can represent for the scientific body an innovation of the research and management techniques, thanks to the high technical detail of the final product.


  • Mapping and inspection of historical and archeological sites: using instruments with high resolution it is possible to offer three dimensional surveys of historical and archeological sites which can represent the support for the following management activities or for promotional activities;
  • Mapping and management of sites with high environmental and naturalistic value: we are able to offer the necessary support;
  • Management of the physical- chemical dynamics of surface waters: we are able to investigate for example the flower population of mountain lakes through the infrared technique, and to analyse the morphodynamics of the estuaries of rivers.

INTERESTED SUBJECTS: Research Institutions, Consortium of protection and management of sites with environmental, historical, cultural and archeological value, land reclamation authorities, multi-utility Technicians, Engineers, Geologists, forestry and environmental Experts, Technicians of Public Institutions, Managers of technological networks, Insurance institutions, ecc. 


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